How to Spot Great Quality Wedding Photos :: A Beginner’s Guide

If photography is not your passion then you may struggle to see the difference in quality between wedding photographers. In all likelihood, if you are looking for a photographer for your wedding then this is your first time booking a photographer of any kind. Unfortunately, many in your position resort to judging photographers based on […]
Why do Wedding Photographers Wear Black? :: Your Questions Answered

Here it is… your one stop shop for all the information you could possibly need about wedding photographers. All your questions answered in one article! This is the second article in a series aimed at helping couples to find the right wedding photographer for them. If you came here hoping to understand wedding photography pricing […]
How Much Does A Wedding Photographer Typically Cost?

How much should I expect to pay for a wedding photographer? Why do wedding photographers vary so much in price? Why is it so much more expensive to hire a photographer for a wedding than a party? Is price a good guide to the quality of the photographer? Four simple and very reasonable questions which […]