Having only recently landing back home in Sheffield from a trip to Scotland I found it quite comforting to be back at Sheffield Town Hall, a wedding venue I know very well.
I had previously worked with Anna and Steve, if work is the right word, as we had met on the embankment of the A57 near J31 for an engagement shoot.
Lion Hotel
My day began at the Best Western Lion Hotel in Worksop.
Having spent that time getting to know me and my style of photography, Anna seemed to be able to relax and enjoy getting ready for her wedding.
This being the hotel where most of the guests would be staying the night there was a steady flow of people dropping by to say hello and drop off gifts.

It made for an interesting morning actually, time was flying by.
Before we knew it the time had come to get Anna into her dress. Anna’s daughter Tyler did an excellent job in her immediate role in charge of endlessly hooking and looping.

Soon the time to make our way to Sheffield city centre was upon us.
Sheffield Town Hall
It was beautifully sunny when we arrived in Sheffield city centre.
Anna had actually beaten Steve to the wedding, Steve apparently holding back in order to make his own equally spectacular entrance in a chauffeur driven Mustang.

Anna and Steve had decided to put tradition aside and see each other before the ceremony in order to get some photos on the steps in the Town Hall entrance, which you cannot do afterwards since you leave by a different door.

We got our photos, both nervously awaited the call to enter the room and make their vows.

The Three Legged Stool
As all the guests got into their coaches to head over to Worksop Golf Club, Anna let me and the chauffeur into a secret.
They wanted to stop in their local pub, the Three Legged Stool, for a drink in peace before heading to the reception.

It felt a little like being in the eye of a storm, just the four of us sat in a quiet pub in the middle of a wedding day.
Still, all good things must come to an end and they got back into their car to resume celebrations.
Worksop Golf Club
I never did get into golf.

My granddad had a go at kick starting my enthusiasm for the sport, he even bought me my first clubs. The spark just never lit. Maybe one day.
Still I do enjoy the ceremony around a golf club, it is always an important feeling place to be and I always feel somewhat privileged being in one.
Worksop Golf Club is no different, you can literally feel the history as you dine with exquisite cutlery on club logo crockery.
I was treated to the full three course dinner along with he guests, which is very much appreciated of course. Working weddings does have its perks after all.
The food was of a high standard and service friendly and professional.
Still, this isn’t meant to be a review of Worksop Golf Club as a wedding venue, I just felt it was worth mentioning. Credit where it is due.
CJ Hatt

I always enjoy it when the couple bring in a singer, it makes a huge difference to the mood, especially when they perform the first dance.
CJ sang Dire Straits‘ classic Romeo and Juliet flawlessly, and as a big fan of Dire Straits I should know.
He then went on to perform a great selection of tracks, including the song Let It Go from the movie Frozen which was particularly popular with the young girls.

In all, a lovely day. Weather was perfect and everyone seemed to have a great time.
The photos
Here is a selection of photos from the highlights collection.
Would you like to talk to me about photographing your wedding? Contact me to check availability and let’s make plans :-).
See ya next time.