
So, what happens if you ask Google Assistant: “Who is the best wedding photographer in Sheffield”?

A quick one this week.

JLM HQ gained a new friend recently.

Basically we jumped on the smart speaker bandwagon and put a Google Home Mini in the kitchen.

The kids and I have had great fun asking it to do all kinds of things, mostly silly things if we’re honest.

Out of pure curiosity/boredom I thought I would ask it…

“Who is the best Wedding Photographer in Sheffield?”

[tg_youtube width=”800″ height=”” video_id=”gL4jpQkKOSM”]

So yeah, I wasn’t expecting to actually be the first name mentioned.

Naturally it didn’t stop me trying again, this time with my phone ready to record it.

And yeah, so maybe I made a little advert video out of it.  Wouldn’t you?!

But seriously!

OK look, I know that the result is heavily influenced by location.

Most notably, that my business is listed at the same address that the Google Home is situated, meaning JLM was a strong nearby match.

Still, it’s nice to be noticed.

Does your Google Agree?

I would be interested to know whether your Google agrees with mine.

What about Alexa?  I wonder if she is a fan too!

If you think the Google Assistant might be talking some sense, have a look at my packages or get in touch for a quote 😉

[tg_button href=”http://www.jameslmorgan.co.uk/packages/” color=”black” bg_color=”” text_color=””]CHECK PRICES & OPTIONS[/tg_button] || [tg_button href=”www.jameslmorgan.co.uk/contact/” color=”black” bg_color=”” text_color=””]CHECK AVAILABILITY[/tg_button]

See ya next time,


Wedding Photo & Video Coverage Prices

All the photos on this page were taken by JLM Wedding Photography. 

If you would like to check if I am available on your wedding day, and to check what’s included, pop your details into the form below.

As soon as you click the button you’ll be taken to the full price breakdown page

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